Seachtain na Gaeilge Table QuizFeb 22, 2022To celebrate Seachtain na Gaeilge 2022 we are organising a Bilingual Table Quiz.3rd March at 7:30pm in Bradys....€20 per table (4 people per table).Raffle and prizes on the night...and bonus points for answers as Gaeilge.
To celebrate Seachtain na Gaeilge 2022 we are organising a Bilingual Table Quiz.3rd March at 7:30pm in Bradys....€20 per table (4 people per table).Raffle and prizes on the night...and bonus points for answers as Gaeilge.
Shanganagh Park DevelopmentPublic Consultation on Shanganagh Park has Launched dlr have revised plans for Phase 1 of Shanganagh Park development based on feedback...